Girly’s father “appalled” that death penalty might not have been pursued
August 13, 2001
(Albuquerque) Mr. Chew Shing Kheng lives on the other side of the world, but he made sure that his feelings in Malaysia reached Bernalillo County’s top prosecutor.
Mr. Chew is the father of Girly Chew Hossencofft. Girly disappeared
September 9, 1999 and has never been found. Her estranged husband
and his girlfriend are charged with her murder and numerous other
crimes in the case.
On July 22, 2001, Mr. Chew wrote a two page letter to Bernalillo
County District Attorney Kari Brandenburg. In his letter, Mr.Chew writes that he is "appalled" that the DA was allegedly considering the possiblility of not pursuing the death penalty in Girly’s case.
Mr. Chew’s letter seems to have achieved its intended purpose.
The Horner Report has learned that the prosecution, this month, resolved to continue its quest for the death penalty.
In his letter, Mr. Chew also enclosed copies of two letters written by Diazien Hossencofft to Girly’s parents in 1992. In these letters, Mr. Hossencofft shares many stories about his past; including his claim (at that time) that he is German. Mr. Hossencofft also expresses his pledge to protect Girly from harm.
Finally, Mr. Chew also enclosed a copy of a Malaysian newspaper article concerning his daughter’s disappearance.
Mr. Chew graciously provided me with a copy of all of the documents which he sent to District Attorney Brandenburg. Mr. Chew has granted me permission to publish the documents on my website :

(Below) May 18, 1992 letter from Diazien Hossencofft to Girly’s parents.
(Below) April 20, 1992 letter from Diazien Hossencofft to Girly’s parents.