(Albuquerque) Convicted murderer Diazien Hossencofft is likely to testify in the Linda Henning murder trial this week. Henning’s legal team has prepared a Motion to Transport Hossencofft from the State Penitentiary in Santa Fe to the Bernalillo County Detention Center in Albuquerque so that he may testify Thursday at 9 am.
The motion arrived at Judge John Brennan’s courtroom this morning awaiting appropriate signatures. As of publishing this article Monday evening, it is not known if the motion has yet been filed.
In a January plea bargain, Hossencofft was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his estranged wife, Girly Chew Hossencofft. He’s been serving his sentence in a Wyoming prison, but was recently returned to New Mexico so that he would be available to testify in his girlfriend’s trial.
Hossencofft is expected to testify that Henning had no role in the murder. It’s likely he’ll also offer his previous explanation for the discovery of Henning’s blood in Ms. Hossencofft’s apartment. Earlier this year, he told police he “planted” the blood in the apartment to confuse investigators.
It appears the Henning trial is moving faster than anticipated. It was expected to last four to six weeks, but prosecutors have already advanced deep into their list of 52 witnesses.
On Monday morning, lead Detective Michael Fox appeared on the stand, picking up where he left off Friday. Fox’s testimony addressed several areas, including;
-Henning documents from Discount Tires, dated 9/11/99, stating she had received a free tire rotation and balance on her Honda Accord
-photos of Magdalena area, including area where Girly’s clothes were found and nearby Cat Mountain Ranch Road.
-photos of mine shaft near Magdalena searched by investigators on June 25, 2000.
-Fox’s 3,000 page APD supplemental report.
-charred Linda Henning business cards found in Bill Miller’s fireplace in 1999 search.
-newspaper clippings regarding Girly Chew Hossencofft’s disappearance located in Miller’s kitchen and truck during 1999 search.
-photos (found in Miller’s camper) of Henning, Diazien Hossencofft, his young son and Miller together at Shady Lakes fishing area.
*I was only in court for a short time Monday morning before being moved to another assignment. For additional coverage of Monday’s developments, please refer to the Albuquerque Journal and the Albuquerque Tribune.