“Physically intimate contact”
September 2, 2000
(Albuquerque) It may be hard to believe, but the calendar is just seven days short of marking the anniversary of Girly Hossencofft’s disappearance.
Her body has not been found.
Two suspects behind bars still await trial. But don’t let the lack of major headlines lull you into thinking that the investigation has stalled. It hasn’t. A check of the case files, coupled with the Horner Report’s own investigation, provides proof a plenty.
The most recent development concerns a kiss between Diazien Hossencofft and his divorce attorney, Felissa Garcia Kelley. According to a court document filed August 21, 2000, Ms. Kelley and Hossencofft had “physically intimate contact” at the Bernalillo County Detention Center on August 14, 2000.
The Horner Report has learned that this contact was a kiss. Ms. Kelley told me that she was about to walk away from Hossencofft at the end of her jail visit, when he suddenly kissed her on the cheek. Kelley explained that the kiss came as a surprise and was inappropriate.
Marcos Gulin apparently has his own version of what transpired. He’s a corrections officer at the jail. The court document filed on August 21st is a “Notice of Intent to Take Statement” from Mr. Gulin. The notice, filed by state prosecutor Paul Spiers, also requests the “production of all documents, reports, statements, and videotapes(s) regarding physically intimate contact between Diazien Hossencofft and Felissa Garcia Kelley” on August 14 at the jail.
The document sets a time for Gulin’s statement and the production of evidence: August 25th, 2000, 11am at the District Attorney’s Office.
No word yet on what Gulin told prosecutors or regarding what evidence was produced.
Ninja Sword
Another “Notice of Intent to Take Statement” was filed in the Hossencofft case on August 18, 2000.
The prosecution states that Diazien Hossencofft purchased a “Ninja Warrior 9417RD Sword” on September 9, 1999. That’s the same day his estranged wife, Girly Hossencofft, disappeared.
According to the court document, Mr. Hossencofft purchased the sword at a store called “World of Knives” located inside the Winrock Mall in northeast Albuquerque. The Notice of Intent to Take Statement is directed at “World of Knives” store manager Shawn Skinner.
Skinner is also asked to give his statement on August 25th and to produce “all documents, receipts and statements of any kind associated with the purchase” of the sword. No word yet concerning Skinner’s statement.
According to court documents previously filed in the Hossencofft case, swords were found inside co-suspect Linda Henning’s car at the time of her arrest. Police also found a sword hidden in the garage wall of Henning’s home when they searched it last year.

Child Support Owed to California Woman
The mystery surrounding Diazien Hossencofft continues to unravel in small pieces. In August, I learned that he owes $87,000 in child support to a California woman. That woman, whose name I will not release at this time, was married to Hossencofft. But Hossencofft was still known as Armand Chavez at the time. He later changed his name to Diazien Hossencofft
after moving to Albuquerque (prior to marrying Girly Chew).
Hossencofft is the father of a son conceived while he was married to the woman in California. All of this I have established to be factual. I recently received an e-mail from a reader of The Horner Report who shared that Hossencofft’s marriage to the California woman was annulled. I have not yet confirmed the annulment.

Diazien Hossencofft, then known as Armand Chavez, as he appeared in his high school yearbook.